
Handle cases where data can't be found.

If you need to know whether a property or key exists, you can check with .not. It will consult the connected peers and invoke the callback if there's reasonable certainty that none of them have the data available.

Warning: .not has no guarantees, since data could theoretically exist on an unrelated peer that we have no knowledge of. If you only have one server, and data is synced through it, then you have a pretty reasonable assurance that a not found means that the data doesn't exist yet. Just be mindful of how you use it.


If there's reason to believe the data doesn't exist, the callback will be invoked. This can be used as a check to prevent implicitly writing data (as described in .put).


The name of the property or key that could not be found.


Providing defaults if they aren't found

// if not found
  // put in an object and key it
    active: false
// listen for changes on that key

Setting a property if it isn't found


Chain context

.not does not change the context of the chain.

gun.get(key).not(handler) /* is the same as */ gun.get(key)

results matching ""

    No results matching ""