
Used to creates a new gun database instance.

var gun = Gun(options)

note: Gun works with or without the new operator.


  • no parameters undefined creates a local datastore using the default persistence layer, either localStorage or a JSON file.

  • passing a URL string creates the above local datastore that also tries to sync with the URL.

    • or you can pass in an array of URLs to sync with multiple peers.
  • the previous options are actually aggregated into an object, which you can pass in yourself.

    • options.peers is an object, where the URLs are properties, and the value is an empty object.

    • options.uuid allows you to override the default 24 random alphanumeric soul generator with your own function.

    • options['module name'] allows you to pass options to a 3rd party module. Their project README will likely list the exposed options. Here is a list of such modules...


Sync with one peer


Sync with many peers

Gun(['', ''])

Working with modules

  // Amazon S3 (comes bundled)
  s3: {
    key: '',
    secret: '',
    bucket: ''

  // simple JSON persistence (bundled)
  // meant for ease of getting started
  // NOT meant for production
  file: 'file/path.json',

  // set your own UUID function
  uuid: function () {...}

results matching ""

    No results matching ""