
Where to read data from.

It takes three parameters:

  • key
  • callback

gun.get('key').get('property', function(ack){})

You will usually be using gun.on or gun.val to actually retrieve your data, not this callback (it is intended for more low level control, for module and extensions).


The key is the ID or property name of the data that you saved from earlier (or that will be saved later).

Note that if you use .put at any depth after a get it first reads the data and then writes, merging the data as a partial update.

gun.get('key').put({property: 'value'})

gun.get('key').on(function(data, key){
  // {property: 'value'}, 'key'


  • ack.put, the raw data.
  • ack.get, the key, ID, or property name of the data.

The callback is a listener for read errors, not found, and updates. It may be called multiple times for a single request, since gun uses a reactive streaming architecture. Generally, you'll find .not, .on, and .val as more convenient for every day use. Skip to those!

gun.get(key, function(ack){
  // called many times


Retrieving a key

// retrieve all available users

Using the callback

gun.get(key, function(ack){
  } else
    // not found
  } else {
    // data!

Chain context

Chaining multiple gets together changes the context of the chain, allowing you to access, traverse, and navigate a graph, node, table, or document.

Note: For users upgrading versions, prior to v0.5.x get used to always return a context from the absolute root of the database. If you want to go back to the root, either save a reference var root = Gun(); or now use .back(-1).

gun.get('user').get('alice') /* same context as */ gun.get('users').path('alice')

Unexpected behavior

Most callbacks in gun will be called multiple times.

results matching ""

    No results matching ""