gun.set(data, callback)

Add a unique item to an unordered list.

gun.set works like a mathematical set, where each item in the list is unique. If the item is added twice, it will be merged. This means only objects, for now, are supported.


Data should be a gun reference or an object.

var user = gun.get('alice').put({name: "Alice"});


The callback is invoked exactly the same as .put, since .set is just a convenience wrapper around .put.


var gun = Gun();
var bob = gun.get('bob').put({name: "Bob"});
var dave = gun.get('dave').put({name: "Dave"});


The "friends" example is perfect, since the set guarantees that you won't have duplicates in your list.

Chain Context

gun.set changes the chain context, it returns the item reference.

gun.path('friends') /* is not the same as */ gun.path('friends').set(friend)

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