gun.on(callback, options)

Subscribe to updates and changes on a node or property in realtime.

Callback(data, key)

When the property or node you're focused on changes, this callback is immediately fired with the data as it is at that point in time.

Since gun streams data, the callback will probably be called multiple times as new chunk comes in.


Currently, the only option is to filter out old data, and just be given the changes. If you're listening to a node with 100 fields, and just one changes, you'll instead be passed a node with a single property representing that change rather than the full node every time.

Longhand syntax

gun.get('foo').on(callback, {
  change: true

Shorthand syntax

gun.get('foo').on(callback, true)


Listening for updates on a key

  // update in real-time
  if ( {
  } else {

Listening to updates on a field

gun.get('lights').path('living room').on(function(state, room){
  // update the UI when the living room lights change state

Chain Context

gun.on does not change the chain context.

gun.get(key).on(handler) /* is the same as */ gun.get(key)

Unexpected behavior

Data is only 1 layer deep, a full document is not returned (there are extensions available that do that), this helps keep things fast.

It will be called many times.

results matching ""

    No results matching ""